Dedicated to archaeological research
Our purpose is to promote archaeological research in the state of Minnesota.
21 - 22 February 2025
Biannual Conference
Are you actively involved in or interested in research in Minnesota archaeology? Are you a student or someone with a Bachelor’s degree in archaeology, anthropology, ethnology, history, botany, zoology, and/or geology? Do you want to support research in Minnesota archaeology by helping to fund a research grant and professional conference?
If the answer to any or all of these questions is yes, consider membership!
Want to learn more about how we promote archaeology research in Minnesota? Check out past conference presentations at our YouTube page.
Topics have included public archaeology, Fur Trading Posts, the Itasca Bison Site and more…
Apply for the Riaz Malik Research Grant today! Examples of past grants include specialist analytical costs (radiocarbon dating, lab time, etc…) and lab or field supplies for a specific project.